Bridge the Gap - SYNGAP Education and Research Foundation Hosts the First SYNGAP1 FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting

Today, Bridge the Gap - SYNGAP Education and Research Foundation announced they will host the first SYNGAP1 Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting - SYNGAP1: Patient Voices. It will be held on November 19, 2020 in conjunction with their International SYNGAP1 Conference at the NIH/NINDS Neurological Center in Rockville, Maryland. It will be followed the next day by a SYNGAP1 Industry Round Table.  This will be the first FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting in the history of the program to be held at the the National Institutes of Health.

Bridge the Gap - SYNGAP Education and Research Foundation answered the FDA's call for groups to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the FDA requesting to host an externally-led Patient Focused Drug Development (PFDD) meeting. The FDA recently accepted and approved the LOI for SYNGAP1 submitted by Bridge the Gap – SYNGAP Education and Research Foundation.  This meeting will give the SYNGAP1 community an opportunity to share personal insights that can be invaluable to the process of developing new treatments for the disease.


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